Specializing in Infrared Asphalt Restoration and Repair

At Walsh Striping Inc., we employ infrared asphalt technology to patch trouble spots and holes in parking lots. Our highly skilled team will conduct infrared asphalt repairs to address any uneven surfaces and issues existing in your driveway or parking lot.

Uses for Infrared

Infrared rays can penetrate an object. It has properties that allow deep-penetrating asphalt repair and reclaiming without causing damage to the material or the road. This results in high-quality asphalt work and seamless repairs that address the following issues:

  • Bumps and Low Spots
  • Oil Spots
  • Speed Bumps
  • Broken Sidewalks
  • Broken Handicap Ramps
  • Potholes
  • Utility Cuts
  • Drainage Issues
  • Manholes
  • Paving Seams

Asphalt Reclaiming

This process involves taking waste asphalt or plant mix and slowly heating it to a working temperature. The asphalt can then be used as new pavement or patch material. By performing the process of reclaiming, we ensure that there is a better bond between the existing asphalt and the now warm fill asphalt.

Connect With Us

For additional information, send us a message today. Our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible!